Monday, December 30, 2013

Missionary Activity Idea

We (1st ward) just had the sister missionaries come and share how they stand as a witness now and how they did before their missions. It was awesome! Every ward needs to have these Sisters come and talk to the YW. They are so down to earth and casual yet bear such a powerful witness of the Savior. I just wish more of our girls had been there. These Sisters I think can relate to our girls in ways the Elders just can't. We are so blessed to have them!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Church Website for Planning Activites

The church has taken another big step to help youth leaders.   
In addition to all the helps for Sunday lessons and Personal Progress they have added a section for planning activities. 
They also allow ideas to be added by other members....
This is SO great!!!!
You can visit the link below for more information.